Layby Holidays – Lay-Buy Your Holiday – Holiday Lay Bys – Northern Territory
More and more, travelers are looking to the holiday layby system to pay for their vacation. It makes real sense to pay off your holiday interest-free and travel without the dread of coming home to a huge credit card bill. At Australian Travel Wholesalers we are happy to arrange a simple and easy payment plan to help our clients make monthly advance payments on their preferred holiday bookings. If you would like to try this for yourself and join our happy band of lay-buy customers, ( some of whom are now prepaying their fourth lay-buy holiday ) just mention that you would like to organise a holiday lay-by schedule with your consultant, when making your travel arrangements. Don’t hesitate to call our office for more information and for personal service.
Call 1800 815 378 from within Australia or
61 7 41286607 Internationally.